| 1. | Since some bruise marks were found over his body , the staff of the hospital reported the case to the police 由于院方发现男童身上有瘀伤,于是报警求助。 |
| 2. | One of the victims set herself free and reported the case to the police shortly after midnight 三名匪徒搜掠单位后离去。其中一名女事主约于凌晨时分松绑后报警。 |
| 3. | If they have any doubt , members of the public may wish to contact swd or tela or report the cases to the police 市民如有怀疑,可致电社署或影视处的查询热线或向警方举报。 |
| 4. | As a precautionary measure , people who are bitten by dogs should immediately seek medical attention and report the case to the police , who will forward the information to afcd for investigation 市民若被狗只袭击受伤,应立刻求医诊治,同时亦必须通知警方,以便转交渔护署跟进调查。 |
| 5. | Four days later , the victim decided to cancel the deal but was informed by the firm that the money had already been released to the defendant . the victim then reported the case to the police 四日后,受害人拟取消有关交易,但事务所则告知受害人该笔款项已被提取。受害人于是向警方报案。 |
| 6. | He presented the set of letter of credit together with a false bill of lading to a bank for negoitation on september 22 last year . however , the bank found the bill of lading was bogus and reported the case to the police 他其后于去年九月二十二日带同信用状及一张伪造的提货单,前往一间银行兑现有关款项,但银行发现提货单属伪造,于是报警。 |
| 7. | In general , these guidelines instruct employees to verbally persuade the passenger to stop smoking . if the passenger ignores such persuasion , the employee should ask the passenger to leave the no - smoking area or report the case to the police for them to take enforcement action having regard to the circumstances of the case 总括而言,有关指引指示员工口头劝吁乘客停止吸烟,如乘客不接受劝吁,员工应要求他们离开有关禁烟区,或因应情况向警方举报以便警方采取执法行动。 |